
The World Arc

How Can We Help

Trying to be your Childs voice when it comes to education and development should not be so hard. Our assessments make it easier for you to raise your voice. Having the ability to do an assessment on your own time, gives you the ability to walk into an IEP meeting or therapy meeting with confidence


You are the first line of defense in helping your child succeed. Knowing the milestones and how assessments are done and how to evaluate progress is the first step.


A little about me, how this site got started and why it is important to me.


Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com

Blog of Concerns, questions and also answers I have encountered not only as a parent but as an Independent Provider with Ohio Department of Disabilities.

Latest Blog


It seems to be all a juggling act. not only do we as parents always struggle balancing work and home, we struggle to not feel guilty about the sacrifices we make. Sacrifices we make on a nearly daily basis. Sometimes that means we put ourselves in a position to take a step back from ambition.…

ADHD and ADD Alternatves

There are many parents who do not want to medicate their children for ADHD and ADD. Because of the short and long term side effects it is a daunting decision parents have to make. we want out children to thrive and be happy and most of all, we don’t want our children to be robots…


My Name is Tiffany Esposito. I started The World Arc to help parents with children with delays. For me specifically it started with my daughters. They were both diagnosed with autism when they were just 2 years old. I had loaded myself down with questions that the internet seems to have either too vague of…


Get in Touch

Reach out so we can work together to assist you and your family get answers to previously unaddressed issues and access to unrealized resources.

(419) 709-1731

Opening Hours

9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm